Well lemme tell you guys what the name means first .....
First lemme warn you guys that i hav a very screwed up way of looking at things so please bear with me . you all know what a Frisbee means .... you played with it when you were a kid .... and if you still do then grow up ..... if it still seems fun then you should think of getting yourself a life ....... but thats just my opinion .... comming back .... a Frisbee ...... its something you throw in the air .... but the deal here is that ..... and contrary to popular belief ... it most often does not come back to you .... thats just a very ......very ..................very metaphorical way of saying that you guys might not agree with or even completely disagree with whatever i write here ........ but that doesn’t mean i care even a damn bit ..... i still donno why i am blogging ....... i guess the reason behind that lies hidden deep in the midst of my conscience right in between my 266778th and 266779th nerve cells obviously an approximate number ............. think its jus cause i wanna increase my typing speed ...... mebbe ..... i donno ...........................................
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